Comparisons - REMIX

Did you read REMIX in the voice of DJ Kahlid? I did as I was typing it. Years back I wrote on the power of comparisons and how they come from the pit of Hell. You know, like fever blisters! Recently, someone asked for a link to the original post and that site isn’t really used anymore so I decided to pull it and revamp it or do a REMIX.

Our society has done such a disservice to young men and women with placing such extreme expectations on them by comparing them to others and also pushing them to compare themselves. Now they have the pressures of social media they’re dealing with, too. I’m glad the whole iPhone thing wasn’t around when I was a teenager. That age group is never on a break from their life and having to be on point.

Everywhere we turn we have comparison thrown in our face.  As women, there are models, celebrities, friends, co workers and even complete strangers that we ashamedly compare ourselves to.  We fear that we aren't enough if we don't look, talk, laugh, sing or love like "her."  You may think it is foolish but it happens. When the emotions that follow and comparisons hit, it eventually convicts me because it turns my completion and definition to something other than Christ.

I'm not a petite, soft spoken, gentle woman.  I'm a tall, bold, sassy woman who loves to make people laugh.  I'm competitive, and can usually be located in a room by my loud laugh or animated motions. Normally my sarcasm fits with fellas better but I consider myself blessed to have multiple girl friends who share my twisted sense of humor and an appreciation of a good margarita.  I have a promiscuous and lazy past that has been used to shape me but it no longer defines me.  I love my God and am thankful (most days) that this is who he created me to be.  

If I'm a believer, why did I just say most days?  Because I'm being honest.  There have been days when I wanted to have a different physical build, a more quiet spirit and a gentle tongue so guys could look at me and go, "wow, there is a sweet girl."   But hey, too much sugar causes cavities.  Don't get me wrong, I have a sweet side but it's not my only one and I'm good with that.

Most of the time, the downers we experience from comparisons are due to our own imaginations running wild on us.  Thinking we will never be enough for various reasons....believing lies.

Months back I started working out with a trainer and i LOVE my gym. There’s a community of fun people that are working towards better and stronger health but also unexpected friendships have been forming. I’m probably one of the biggest women that workout there but I choose to remind myself that where I am now isn’t where I will always be. It’s not about looking like someone else or being stronger than they are. It’s about feeling better than I ever have and becoming healthier than I thought possible. Making the most of the life God has given me and preparing for this next steps in this journey are the goal in this season.

Comparisons are dangerous.  We look for some sort of validation in them because we think that we are better or worse than the person or thing we're comparing ourselves to.  We allow those things to rob us of our joy while preventing ourselves from moving forward to glorify God with our lives.  John 10:10 says, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."  Our insecurities then lead us to stop trusting those we love most or people in general. I don’t like that feeling. It’s a heart issue that’s usually found by idolizing a person or a feeling and the fear of losing them starts to cripple us. I don’t want to live a life held back. I’d rather live a life fully surrendered to God.

In case you don't remember anything that you've read so far, remember this.  Christ died for you and every wretched thing you've ever done and will do.  His love is incredible and His forgiveness brings freedom like you've never imagined.  So instead of comparing yourselves to others and what they expect, look to the gospel to see what we're to reflect.  He is enough and that makes you enough.