National Parents Day

I know my last post was in honor of my parents but this one is, too. Sunday, June 24, 2022 was apparently National Parents Day. Just realized it last night and had the opportunity this evening to share some information about good ole Randall and Gail.

They don’t like attention and definitely wouldn’t say things things about themselves but I’m also left to my own decisions so I will. They are the most patient of individuals and I’ve tested that….time and time again. I’ll never pass on a chance to give a shout out to my darling sister, shoutout Tammy, for being born first and being the one that kept me alive. Knowing both of our parents came from some difficult upbringings, it makes us respect them all the more.

Mom and dad do more than just deal with us through eyes of patience. They have truly shown us what unconditional love looks like. No matter what Tammy and I have done, they’ve never wavered in their love for us. We tested it. Believe me. Their senses of humor have also been stellar and are part of why we’re the hilarious gems that we are today. Oh and before you ask, I blame dad for my humor. Even today we fist bumped in a funeral over our humor. Dad has fixed so many things from the west and north Georgia areas from HVAC to electrical to foundational things. Mom has cooked and baked for those areas on multiple occasions. Even when I was recently sick and had to work from home, they were heading out of town so the had the house ready for me and the cat to come to Dalton for the week. Mom left food and dad even left the air conditioner lower than he would like. I could go on and on about them and their generosity mixed with compassion and faithfulness to Jesus. They hold me accountable, even when I don’t want them to. Sometimes my mouth should be filled with less cuss words…and sometimes I need to turn to Jesus instead of eating my feelings. I should workout instead of letting stress get to me. But that’s the beauty of my parents. They say hard things while still honoring my boundaries as an adult. It took us some time to get there on both sides but boy am I thankful.

All that to say, if your relationship with your parents isn’t peaceful or existent, reach out and try unless it wouldn’t be a healthy or safe decision. If you don’t have a relationship at all with them or need a hug from some, I’m totally offering mine up because they’re grand.

Happy (late) National Parents to the two I make hug SO STINKING MUCH! Love you more than words and always thankful to be a Godwin. Also, how precious are they?!