Waiting Doesn’t Have to Suck

The following is something I wrote a little while back (in November of 2022) when I was in a better headspace than the current season. Let the record show I’m currently tired of waiting right now and over the garbage cliches that are associated with it. Your girl needs some new in her life. Various aspects of life are requiring me to wait and I needed to be reminded of the below in the midst of weariness.

Waiting is a challenge and often associated with negative emotions and feelings. When we wait, it can feel as though it’s a punishment for something or as if it’s a place of turmoil. Think about it, when we are waiting on a test result or for a job offer (or declination). When we are waiting on a child to let us know if they’re coming to a family gathering after a tumultuous event or on the result of a pregnancy test. There are a lot of things that might feel as though it’s painfully gut wrenching.

Life is about perspective. How we choose to view things will make a difference. When we go into a day with a fresh and bright attitude, we are going to do our best to view things through rose colored glasses or a cheerful disposition. If we are grouchy as can be and enter into situations with fire on our tongues, we are going to see everything as a crime against us. You know those friends you talk to that are always griping about something? I think they enter into most of life’s scenarios thinking the world should cater to them and then it doesn’t. From that point it all hits the fan and they lose their temper at the drop of a hat.

A lot can be said in how we choose to spend the waiting time. If we allow what we are waiting for/on to define us, we won’t be truly satisfied when it happens or comes to pass. If our definition is based off of what’s to come, we won’t know what to do when it happens. During that waiting time, we GET to spend our time well. We GET to love on others. I’ve shared before about my job and not knowing what it holds regarding the grand scheme of things. In this time span, I GET to help people with their insurance questions. I GET to help with complaints and concerns. I GET to walk with people during some of their hardest seasons of life. There are opportunities in each season to love people where they are. During waiting on a lot of whatever is next, I’m learning how to love better and serve intentionally. I never want to lose the wonder in the waiting.