Tis The Season - Love Well

Can you believe it’s already December?! I can’t but boy what a year. So much has changed over the last 10 months but goodness I’m so thankful. That’s all another topic for another day but I want to talk about loneliness today. We weren’t created to do this life alone. In Genesis God says that it’s not good for man to be alone. That goes for the course of life. We were designed to be in community with others. No matter what your beliefs are, there’s a longing to be with others. It can be in regards to dinner parties, book clubs, concert groups, small groups, and dating. It varies by person but companionship brings comfort, peace, laughter, and quality to life.

There have been seasons in my life when I grew weary of being alone so much that I would go out to a bar or restaurant to write and just chat with others. It helped pass the time but also brought opportunities to encourage others and be encouraged myself. This is the time of year that people feel more alone because families are gathering together to celebrate. There are reminders of seasons past that are no more and promises still waiting for fulfillment. It’s hard to feel alone during any random Tuesday but during holidays it’s gut wrenching. You feel like you’re missing out on joy, traditions, hopes, and laughter. I want to be crystal clear and tell you right now that I am not about to tell you to fake it til you make it. I’m not going to tell you that your sadness is due to an absence of Jesus. Sadness is part of being human but don’t stay in that space.

I’m going to tell you that you are seen. You are loved. Your feelings matter. I’m also going to tell you that feelings aren’t fact. Thankfully sun shines and joy comes. Yes, this season of advent and waiting are a celebration of the coming Christ but know that you are allowed to have a funk. I wish I could tell you that all your dreams will come true this year or next and that your lonely feelings will be gone by taking 3 multivitamins and eating right. What I will tell you is that you were made to thrive and for a purpose. Know it’s okay to tell someone how you feel and to reach out. Even if people post on social media about all of the fun they’re having in their life it doesn’t mean they’re truly happy and not lonely. Sometimes they’re the loneliest and trying to fill voids with likes and comments.

Reach out to people in your life and love on them. We all need encouragement and to be reminded that we aren’t alone. Tis the season indeed so let’s love well.