
Ya girl is getting to go and serve in Israel! Anyone else find it ironic that God keeps sending me places I never really LONGED to go? Don’t get me wrong, I wanted to go to Israel years back to serve with Chrissie and her ministry but it didn’t pan out and I wasn’t shattered from it because I knew God had it figured out. Turns out, He had something even sweeter planned because this mission trip will include the honor of serving alongside my parents. YEP, Gran and Pop are going to Israel, too!

How can you help? First is to Pray Pray Pray! There is a team comprised people that will be going and serving over a time frame of a week and a half. While we are there we will be working with a reconciliation ministry that walks through life with Arabs and Jews. Not to mention we will get to see Jesus move in ways we never imagined possible. Now there’s the other way to help and that’s to give. I’ve been blown away by the generosity of incredible people in my life over the years from Russia to Haiti and now to Israel. If you feel led to give, you can write a check to Church On The Hill, to myself, or send it via venmo to: @jenny-godwin and the cost for each person going is $5,000.

Ultimately, I want to say thank you to each person that has prayed and given because you bring movement to the body of Christ. May you be blessed and see how much of a difference you make on eternity through your faithfulness.